Martin Aaron Superfund Site, Remedial Action Phase 1, OU-1
Location | Camden, New Jersey |
Contract Value | $45,000,000 |
Period of Performance | April 2017 – December 2018 |
Role | Prime Contractor |
History & Location
Located in Camden, New Jersey, the Martin Aaron Superfund Site encompasses a large property used for over 30 years as a drum reconditioning facility. After operations ceased in 1998, arsenic, PCBs, VOCs, and other chemicals were detected as contaminants in site soils and groundwater. Steps were taken to mitigate the immediate impacts to human and environmental health through a series of interim remedial measures. This project, Phase I, OU-I, was awarded to Sevenson on a competitive bid basis.
Significant Project Features
- Excavation of ~75,000 CY of soil contaminated VOCs, PCBs, and hazardous levels of arsenic. Excavation depths ranged from 12-ft to 18-ft BGS
- Installation and extraction of 10 cantilever sheet pile cells (3,710 LF x 40 ft BGS maximum) to support excavation sidewalls and prevent groundwater infiltration
- Installation and operation of a well point systems in each cell to depressurize the aquifer and enable dry excavation
- Characterization, management, loading, and T&D of excavated material to multiple designated offsite disposal facilities
- Installation of ~ 90,000 SF of geosynthetic clay liner covered with cushioning soil overtop aquifer to replace natural meadow mat complex
- Backfill site with ~8,500 CY of stockpiled material approved for reuse and 60,000 CY of imported certified clean fill
- Installation of a 2-ft cap over the site after backfilling. Site restoration included replacing sidewalks disturbed by work operations and installing a perimeter fence
- Sevenson achieved 60,000 safe workhours without a lost-time incident
- Sevenson reduced the overall project schedule by several months saving over $600,000 in construction related costs in addition to engineering and project oversight costs
- Sevenson continually reviewed T&D pricing for all waste streams resulting in over $1.1M in cost savings
Project Gallery
Rooted in Remedial Construction
Expanded into Environmental Dredging
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