Cornell-Dubilier Electronics Superfund Site – OU2


Location South Plainfield, New Jersey
Contract Value $60,000,000
Period of Performance February 2007 – February 2014
Role Prime Contractor

Significant Project Features

  • Contracts awarded on a “best value” competitive bid format under Sevenson’s US Army Corps of Engineers’ USEPA Region II Preplaced Remedial Action Contract
  • Phase 1 remedial action scope of work required decommissioning and demolition of all site structures with segregation and recycling T+D of debris
  • Phase 2 remedial action scope of work required excavation, sizing and low temperature thermal desorption of impacted soils. Treated soils used as backfill material. Over 100,000 CY of soil was processed
  • Phase 3 remedial action scope of work required Sevenson to remediate a number of residential properties in the community adjacent to the site. Soils were excavated, stockpiled, characterized and shipped offsite for disposal
  • Extensive restoration was required
  • Community relations were an important component of the project

History & Location Details

Cornell-Dubilier Electronics operated from 1936 to 1962 manufacturing electronic components including capacitors. The site consists of approximately 26 acres. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated organic degreasing solvents were used in the manufacturing process. The company disposed of PCB-contaminated materials and other hazardous substances at the facility. Based on historic site practices, portions of the site have been contaminated. Contamination has been found in Bound Brook which runs along an area of the site as well as several residential, municipal, and commercial properties in the vicinity of the former plant.


Project Description


Prior to the start of work, Sevenson:

  • Obtained all necessary permits or permit equivalencies
  • Developed all pre-work submittals, including SHERP, SAP, QC Plan, and baseline schedule
  • Established support zones including medical facilities, administrative offices, safety equipment storage, document control center, communications control central and decontamination facilities
  • Implemented site monitoring and controls including fencing and security


Sevenson was awarded both contracts on a “best value” bid basis under Sevenson’s USEPA Region II Preplaced Remedial Action Contract (PRAC) with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

PHASE 1 (2007 – 2008)

Initial remediation of the plant property included the demolition of the existing industrial park. Work tasks included the demolition and environmental decommissioning of 18 industrial buildings; excavation, characterization, transportation, and off-site disposal of both PCB contaminated soils and all debris generated from demolition operations; and rough grading the site upon completion of scheduled work. Extensive safety procedures were in place to protect the health of residents in and near the site. Excavation, characterization and disposal of 20,000 tons of mixed waste. Utilized Sevenson’s MAECTITE™ chemical fixation for on-site treatment of contaminated soils that enabled disposal in a Subtitle D landfill.

PHASE 2 (2009 – 2012)

Phase 2 remediation addressed the remedial action of contaminated facility site soils and buildings. The scope of work requires the excavation of over 100,000 CY of PCB contaminated soil at concentrations greater than 500 ppm and additional contaminated soils that exceed New Jersey’s IGWSC criteria for contaminants other than PCBs. Excavated soil were treated by low temperature thermal desorption (LTTD), followed by backfilling of excavated areas with treated soils. Contaminated soil and debris, including capacitors, was transported offsite for disposal. Installation of a multi-layer cap and engineering controls and restoration completed this phase of the project.

PHASE 3 (2012 – 2014)

Phase 3 of the project addressed 13 residential properties and a local church. Sevenson excavated, characterized, T+D soils as well as implemented detailed restoration. Restoration included topsoil, sod and grass seed, plantings, fencing, sidewalk, curb and asphalt pavement at the affected properties. Air monitoring, utility relocation and protection, and coordination with property owners were also required.


Sevenson regularly attended informational meetings for project stakeholders and conducted Public Availability Meetings with residents in support of USEPA and USACE’s public relations effort. Sevenson maintained an “open door” policy throughout all phases of the projects to allow residents the opportunity to better understand the nature of the work performed.

Rooted in Remedial Construction
Expanded into Environmental Dredging

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