Dzus Fasteners Site
Location | West Islip, New York |
Contract Value | $13,233,000 |
Period of Performance | April 2019 – April 2020 |
Role | Prime Contractor |
History & Location
The remedial area is the site of the former Dzus Fastener Co. Willetts Creek, Lake Capri and the surrounding areas were contaminated with heavy metals. Schools and homes sit along the creek in this neighborhood. Both topographic and hydrographic surveys were performed. Major COCs include cadmium and chromium. Sevenson’s scope of work under this contract included soil excavation, sediment dredging, installation of temporary diversion barriers to divert creek flow (enabling sediment removal), stabilization of materials impacted by heavy metals, and management of transportation and disposal activities.
Significant Project Features
- Excavation of 23,800 CY of sediment at Willetts Creek, utilizing temporary diversion barriers
- Mechanical dredging of 29,800 CY of sediment in Lake Capri
- Onsite metals stabilization of cadmium and chromium using Sevenson’s proprietary MAECTITE™ treatment process to stabilize 1,600 CY of material, saving $144,600
- Off-site T&D of 63,300 tons of material
- Extensive restoration to upland and wetland including plants, seeds, and sod
- Completed over 20,000 workhours without a lost-time incident
Project Gallery
Rooted in Remedial Construction
Expanded into Environmental Dredging
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